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    Wheelchair Tour and Hike in Kathmandu Nepal
    Bhanu Khatiwada
    Bhanu KhatiwadaSep 22nd 2024

    An American family- Don, Josh, and Chris visited Nepal in April last week, including the first week of May 2024. Don, the father asked us (Nepal Kameleon Holidays) to organize a Wheelchair day hike, which would be so fruitful for his son Josh, who travels in a wheelchair. It was Josh’s 45th birthday and a hike would bring so much meaning in his life-especially in empowering differently able people around the globe and creating equal opportunities for them.

    Video: Nepal Wheelchair Tours and Treks

    Facts About the Trip

    Hiking Duration: 2 hours

    Driving Duration: 3 hours

    Major Places: Changu Narayan Temple, Nagarkot View Point

    Transportation: Jeep

    Changu Narayan and Nagarkot Wheelchair Day Hike

    30 April 2024: We picked them (Don and Josh) up from Yak and Yeti as pre-planned and drove to the Changu Narayan Temple (discovered in the 5th Century)- a UNESCO-listed World Heritage Site. We took a tough route (steep up and down) to reach the top point of the temple. But, once we reached there, Josh was so glad that he set a record- he was the first person to reach such a historical site for the first time in a Wheelchair (based on a conversation made with a person who looks after the temple). The architecture, shikhara and pagoda style roof, various temples, and the surroundings became amazing attractions for Josh and he could do wheelchair rides at the premises.


    Then we descend to the parking area and move further. However, the route further was not so easy. It was steep uphill, so we pushed and pulled the wheelchair. It was tougher than we expected. After a tough climb, we met other hikers on the way, who came from Nagarkot (same group- 12 people). Then we took a rest under the shade of a tree and called the jeep to pick us up from there. We had a short birthday celebration. We used a land cruiser jeep.  


    Celebration of Josh's 45th birthday out in nowhere- during the hike



    Driving from the middle way, we reached Nagarkot. Again, we prepared a wheelchair for Josh till the beginning of the steps of the Nagarkot view tower. Then Josh started climbing up. He climbed to the top and enjoyed a short time there. The weather was not so nice, so we returned soon. Josh did descend 100 steps back and forth, which was more than ever recorded for him as per his saying. He was so happy about his achievement of the day. 

    Don and Josh- Dad and Son


    Bhanu (in black t-shirt), Josh, and Uttam at the Nagarkot View Tower

    From Nagarkot, we drove back to the hotel- Yak and Yeti-Kathmandu. They were impressed with the trip. The job was done. 

    Note from Kameleon Holidays: We received the booking only for a day. So, we thought, it was all. But we still have more stories about the upcoming trip (2 days). You can click on this link: Everest View Helicopter Tour and Bhaktapur Wheelchair Tour

    For more details about the Wheelchair accessible tours and trekking in Nepal for differently able people, please, do not hesitate to contact Nepal Kameleon Holidays via:

    WhatsApp: +977 9851159455 

    Email: [email protected] 


    Bhanu Khatiwada
    Bhanu KhatiwadaSep 22nd 2024

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