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    Wheelchair Friendly Disable Travel in Nepal: Kathmandu, Pokhara, Mustang, Chitwan, and Lumbini
    Bhanu Khatiwada
    Bhanu KhatiwadaJul 3rd 2024

    During the last week of April, Nepal Kameleon Holidays organized Wheelchair hiking and sightseeing tours in various places of Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, and surroundings. To be honest, we were not prepared for this trip as we just got a booking for 1 day from Don Routh, who wanted to surprise a wheelchair hike in Nepal, which he has been doing in many countries for his son Josh.

    Video: Nepal Wheelchair Tours and Treks

    Changu Narayan Nagarkot Wheelchair Hike and Tour

    It was a birthday hike, and we had planned accordingly. First, we drove to the Changu Narayan Temple and did the hike. We went to the temple doing wheelchairing. We asked the guy who takes care of the temple about his previous experience of seeing someone in a wheelchair, but he said no. So, Josh could have set the record for the Changu Narayan Temple Wheelchair hike.

    Then we continued a short hike and celebrated the birthday of Josh in the middle of the route. Then we got in the Jeep and visited Nagarkot viewpoint.

    Various Places on Wheelchair Tour near Kathmandu

    As they missed their flight to Pokhara, we got an opportunity to organize their trip to several places like Everest View Helicopter Ride (which didn’t become possible due to the weather) and wheelchair tour, Bhaktapur Durbar Square, Chandragiri hill, Swayambhunath, Gokarna Forest Resort, and Pashupatinath Temple.

    Chandragiri Hill Resort and Temple- the best experience

    Among the trips we organized, the most satisfying point was Chandragiri Hills Resort and the temple on the top of the hill. Chandragiri Hills Resort is a fantastic place for the travelers. It is a heaven for disabled travelers (wheelchair users) as it is fully wheelchair friendly with ramps. They give special access to wheelchair users, support them by possible means, pick them up from the cable car point, and take them to the resort. The resort is amazing as almost all the points are accessible by wheelchair, have modern toilets, wheelchair-accessible rooms, and so on. Our guests (Josh as a wheelchair user, Don, and Chris) fully enjoyed a short session at the resort.

    Bhaktapur Durbar Square by Wheelchair

    It’s a little bit mixed experience in Bhaktapur Durbar Square for the wheelchair user. Most of the places are accessible, but they are not maintained well. For example, in some places, the path’s rocks are misplaced and they create trouble for the person in a wheelchair to roam independently. Going to the temples and museums is not accessible, but people in wheelchairs can enjoy exploring the pottery square.


    Gokarna Forest Resort

    One of the most exotic resorts in the town, Gokarna Forest Golf Resort is accessible by the wheelchair to stroll around. However, it’s too steep to go down on the golf course area, so special attention is required. Overall, we can say, the resort is great for wheelchair users.

    Swayambhunath and Pashupatinath Temple by Wheelchair

    Swayambhunath is a UNESCO-listed world heritage site, but unfortunately, it is not accessible by wheelchair. We went there and shortly enjoyed the trip near the bottom area.

    Pashupatinath is another UNESCO-listed site, but not maintained for wheelchair users. If you are not able to make a short move by your leg, these couples of destinations are not recommended.

    Pokhara, Jomsom, and Mustang Wheelchair Tour and Jeep Ride

    Strolling near the Lakeside of Pokhara and doing a wheelchair tour at the lakeshore is a fantastic experience. Likewise, if you take a jeep drive to Mustang, there are some places that you will enjoy on Wheelchair. Jomsom Muktinath Jeep Tour is an epic tour in the Himalayas. 

    Chitwan Jungle Safari and Wheenchair Tour

    Chitwan is a wildlife haven in the lowland region of Nepal. The landscape here is flat, which is great for wheelchair users to roam around. Along with the jungle safari activities, wheelchair travelers can explore the local villages, and market places by themselves.

    Lumbini Wheelchair Tour

    Lumbini is the birthplace of Lord Buddha. It has a huge area to roam around and feel the spiritual vibes of such a wonderful Buddhist pilgrimage destination. It's a great point to explore around by wheelchair as the entire property is wheelchair-accessible. 

    Nepal Kameleon Holidays offers you an exceptional wheelchair tour and hiking trips in Nepal, according to your available days. We are always open to customizing the itinerary. To book the trip and for further queries, please, do not hesitate to contact us via,

    WhatsApp: +977 9851159455

    Email: [email protected]


    Bhanu Khatiwada
    Bhanu KhatiwadaJul 3rd 2024

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