Pokhara to Jomsom Muktinath Jeep Tour Booking Book Now

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    Lower Mustang Jomsom Muktinath Overland Jeep Tour: Journey beyond Imagination  
    Bhanu Khatiwada
    Bhanu KhatiwadaJul 3rd 2024

    World-renowned pilgrimage destination Muktinath, Monasteries along with majestic Himalayan vistas, waterfalls, Lakes, adventurous cliffs, and impressive villages offer a new bundle of stories in your Lower Mustang Jomsom Muktinath Overland Jeep Tour.

    Mustang Overland Jeep Tour has various dimensions, depending on the destinations you cover. If you want a short trip, you need at least three days. The tour ranges from 3-7 days. Pokhara is the gateway to the Mustang jeep tour and takes you through the road on the jaw-dropping cliffs. The tour literally is an adventure experience in the beginning and a breathtaking Himalayan experience in the Mustang region. This is thus a perfectly combined trip with thrilling nature and unique culture.

    How Lower Mustang Jeep Tour is More Accessible?

    Lower Mustang Jeep tour is also popular because of the expensive permit. The upper Mustang permit costs 500 USD per person minimum (applies for 10 days) and in addition, you need to take a lower Mustang permit of about 25 USD. For this reason, also, budget-friendly travelers can enjoy the tour amazingly because some of the parts of Lower Mustang offer the impression of Upper Mustang.

    Best Time for the Mustang Tour

    Although we organize the Upper Mustang and Lower Mustang Overland Jeep Tour throughout the year, there are some special months that you can highly benefit from. Let's be specific. If you are coming in Spring, start with March-April-May. Till mid-June, the weather will be nice usually. For the Autumn season, start from mid-September, October, and November are great months to explore the lower Mustang region. Winter will not be a huge problem, so you can also enjoy the tour in December and January.  

    Food and Accommodation

    There are various options for food and accommodation. Let’s be honest, Lower Mustang is the best part to travel, if you are a food lovers. You may have heard about Thakali Khana (Himalayan bean lentil, rice, pickle, vegetables, and ghee) is the most popular meal in Nepal, which originated in the Lower Mustang region. Besides them, locally grown potato items, bread from barley and other variations make your menu yummy. Besides them, they prepare Indian meals and continental meals. Mo: Mo (dumplings) is one of their best offerings.


    There are mountain lodges in the Lower Mustang region, that offer neat and clean rooms with attached bathrooms and hot showers. So, even if you stay at a basic hotel/lodge, you are fundamentally equipped. Besides, there are exotic hotels and resorts too, where you can enjoy extreme comfort in the mountains.

    Attractions of Lower Mustang Jeep Tour


    The literal meaning of Tatopani is Tato: hot, Pani: water. It is a natural hot spring, where people dip and get refreshed. It is very beneficial for your skin. Tatopani is also the name of a place on the way to Mustang, named after the hot spring that has numerous hotels and guest houses. There is also a luxurious hotel.

    Rupse Waterfalls

    After driving about half an hour from Tatopani, there is a wonderful waterfall, called Rupse Waterfall, which is 310 meters tall. The Waterfall is so picturesque that not a single traveler can avoid this place without taking pictures of it.

    Lete and Kalopani

    Lete and Kalopani villages are picturesque towns in the initial part of the Mustang region. They have wonderful hotels and lodges that offer clean accommodations and food at restaurants. Mt. Dhaulagiri and some parts of the Annapurna Himalayan range can be seen.

    Titi Lake

    Titi Lake is a beautiful Lake near Lete, crossing the Kali Gandaki River. The lake situated at an altitude of 2,679 meters on the eastern side of the Beni–Jomsom road is around five kilometers from the Kaligandaki River.  

    Kobang (Kowang)

    Kowang is another stunning village on the bank of the Kali Gandaki River. It is picturesque and is at a prime location between Lete and Marpha.

    Sekong Lake

    Sekong Lake is one of the pristine Himalayan Lakes in the Lower Mustang-Nepal. Precisely, it is located beneath the monstrous Dhaulagiri (26,795 feet) peak.


    Marpha is a picturesque town, mixed up with ancient houses and modern buildings. Once when trekking activities were flourishing, this antique town had made an introduction as an unavoidable place in their itinerary. After the extension of the motor road, the typical settlements came in shadow, and the highway motels became popular. However, travelers enjoy fully exploring the inside village, walking through the narrow gully.

    Marpha is located around 2600 meters altitude, close to Jomsom- the district center of Mustang. The literal meaning of Mar means hard working and Pha means people.  Marpha village has a wide range of apple farms, apricots, and barley farms. Local people make apple brandy and jams from their local products.

    Marpha is a beautiful town with hanging Buddhist prayer flags, traditional houses, stone-paved paths and houses, a monastery at the top, chhorten, and so on. If you manage a morning hike, you can hike to the viewpoint and its surroundings, which is an amazing plan to conduct and explore the village.

    Marpha: the town came into existence to get rid of leprosy.  



    The district center of Mustang-Jomsom (2700 meters) is located at the bank of the Kali Gandaki River. At the backdrop, there lies soaring peaks- Mt. Nilgiri (7061 meters) and Dhaulagiri (8167 meters). Jomsom has banks, ATMs, hotels, restaurants, a tiny airstrip, and some farming land. Jomsom is an unavoidable place for air travelers, who go to Muktinath.  

    Dhumba Lake 

    The Himalayan freshwater Lake- Dhumba Lake is located 5 km west of Jomsom, close to Thini Village at an altitude of 2830 meters. The lake is 150 meters long and 100 meters wide. The freshwater is collected from Mount Nilgiri. Recently, they have kept fish in the Lake, but they don’t do fishing.    


    Kagbeni is a spiritual town located at an altitude of 2804 meters, at the juncture of two rivers- Kali Gandaki River and Kag Khola (stream). The total area of the town is 58.3 km2 (22.5 sq mi). Kagbeni is a place where Hindu devotees pay homage and conduct Shraddha in the name of forefathers.

    Kagbeni is a gateway to Upper Mustang. The right way from Kagbeni leads to Muktinath and the left (straightway) takes you to one of the most ancient Himalayan towns in Nepal, which remained mysterious for a long time.

    Muktinath Temple

    Muktinath is a sacred town in the Himalayan region of Nepal at an altitude of 3800 meters altitude. This town is famous for the world-renowned Muktinath temple. It is an epitome of cultural prosperity that entices the entire Hindu devotees around the globe. Taking a holy bath under 108 water spouts and taking a dip in two ponds (Pap Kunda and Punya Kunda)-it is believed that your sins of a lifetime will be washed away. There is Narsimha Gumba and Jwala Mai Temple in its surroundings.

    Lupra Valley

    Located at an altitude of 2972 meters above sea level, the Lubra Valley is an impressive town populated by the Bon religious people, which is quite typical, because there are only a few towns in Nepal that follow the Bon religion. The traditions and lifestyles of the local people are relatable to Tibetan Buddhism.

    Gandaki Golden Bridge

    Gandaki Golden Bridge is one of the longest suspension bridges in the world. Its length is 567 meters and has a height of 125 meters over the Kali Gandaki River. 

    Booking and Inquiry

    Pre-booking is required for this tour to hold good drivers of this route. You can simply put on questions and queries via WhatsApp and place a booking. You should send a passport copy and pp size photo for the paperwork. 

    WhatsApp: +977 9851159455 

    Email: [email protected] 

    Video Link: Lower Mustang Jeep Tour


    Bhanu Khatiwada
    Bhanu KhatiwadaJul 3rd 2024

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