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    Naropa and Tilopa Cave at Pashupatinath
    Bhanu Khatiwada
    Bhanu KhatiwadaSep 22nd 2024

    Tilopa and Naropa Caves are prominent caves in Buddhism and they are located at the Pashupatinath Temple premises, in Kathmandu. Being so close to such a widely renowned Hindu pilgrimage destination, Pashupatinath Temple, it is still unknown to many people, even the Buddhist devotees.

    These two caves are truly significant centers for Buddhist devotees. Lochawa Marpa had received delightful knowledge from this Guru and the follower. When Marpa returned to Tibet, another sect of Buddhism-Kagyupa started. Boudha Kgyupa was born in this place and later flourished in Tibet. Siddha Guru Milarepa received spiritual knowledge from Marpa. The Kagyu sect of Buddhism is the most popular one in the Himalayan terrain of Nepal. In the 10th Century, Vajrayana Buddhist Guru Tilopa and the disciple Naropa attained Siddhi in these caves after a long time of meditation practice.

    How to reach the Tilopa and Naropa Caves? 

    The best way is to go from the route of Aaryaghat, where the dead bodies of Hindu devotees are burnt. Just walk further about 150 meters and on the left-hand side, you will see these holy caves where Mahaguru Tilopa and his disciple Naropa practiced meditation and got enlightenment.

    About Tilopa and His Life

    Tilopa was born in 988 AD, in the land, which is now Bangladesh- Chativavo. He was born in a Brahmin family. He was the priest of the King Vishnunagar. Having a great name and fame, he was still unsatisfied and he thought- 'My life is meaningless. I can't stand it anymore. He resigned, but it was rejected. So, he escaped, leaving a note- 'I will never return, please do not attempt to follow me'. Then he became a monk at Somapuri temple. He was expelled from there. Then he worked at the brothel as a solicitor and bouncer of a prostitute. After that, Tilopa attained a great realization in this strange way.  He also ate fish guts thrown by the fishermen. He taught a crowd in the form of poems and songs. Among his disciples, Naropa and Lalitavajra were prominent. He gave Naropa the Six Nails of key points:

    • Don't recall: let go of what has already passed
    • Don't imagine: let go of what may come
    • Don't think: let go of what is happening now
    • Don't examine: don't try to figure anything out
    • Don't control: don't try to make anything happen
    • Rest: Relax right now and rest

    He passed away in 1069 AD.

    About Naropa and His Life

    Naropa was one of the 84 Mahasiddhas and a lineage holder of Kagyu Buddhism. He was born in West Bengal. He was married to a Hindu girl and after 10 years, he came out of the familial relationship. Then he studied a lot and became a teacher at Nalanda University. One day dakini appeared to him and suggested to find Tilopa, which will help him to get Mahasiddhi. He came to Pashupatinath and met Tilopa. They meditated there for 12 years. Naropa is best known as the author of The Six Yogas, a set of advanced practices that are cultivated in Kagyu tradition up to this day. Milarepa is the disciple of Naropa, who received knowledge from Marpa, who was a great disciple of Naropa.

    The Pashupatinath Temple

    The Pashupatinath Temple is the spiritual epicenter for Hindu devotees around the globe. It is a UNESCO-listed World Heritage Site in the central part of Kathmandu Valley. The main temple with a golden pagoda shrine is dedicated to Lord Shiva. There are abundant numbers of temples, 108 Shiva Lingum, an old-age home, and a crematory zone. Just about 150 meters ahead of the crematory zone, there lies the Tilopa and Naropa Caves. 

    Transportation for the Tilopa/Naropa Cave and Pashupatinath Tour

    Private Car/Jeep/Hiace/Bus takes you for the tour based on the group size. The vehicle is not allowed to enter the Temple premises, so you should walk there. It is close to the Kathmandu airport. 

    You may also like: Milarepa Cave and Vajrayogini Temple Tour

    For more Buddhist tour information and inquiries, 

    WhatsApp: +977 9851159455

    Email: [email protected] 




    Bhanu Khatiwada
    Bhanu KhatiwadaSep 22nd 2024

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