- First (1st) Ring: Perfect Joy
- Second (2nd) Ring: Immaculate/Stainless
- Third (3rd) Ring: Luminous/Illuminating
- Fourth (4th) Ring: Radiant
- Fifth (5th) Ring: Difficult to Conquer
- Sixth (6th) Ring: Manifest
- Seventh (7th) Ring: Far Progressed
- Eighth (8th)Ring: Immovable
- Ninth (9th) Ring: Perfect Intellect
- Tenth (10th) Ring: Cloud of Dharma
- Eleventh (11th) Ring: Universal Radiance
- Twelfth (12th) Ring: Lotus of Non-Attachment
- Thirteenth (13th) Ring: Vajra Holder
Welcome to the Buddhist Tour in Nepal. It is a sacred pilgrimage trip that escorts you to the major Buddhist sites, where you will encounter many stupas. While roaming around the Buddhist stupa. you will see 13 rings on the top of the stupa.
First (1st) Ring: Perfect Joy
Meaning: The earth element, which represents stability, foundations, and grounding.
Second (2nd) Ring: Immaculate/Stainless
Meaning: The water element, represents purification, cleansing, and emotional balance.
Third (3rd) Ring: Luminous/Illuminating
Meaning: The fire element, represents wisdom, illumination, and the burning away of ignorance.
Fourth (4th) Ring: Radiant
Meaning: The wind element, represents movement and change.
Source: evamratna.com
Fifth (5th) Ring: Difficult to Conquer
Meaning: The space element, which represents vastness and emptiness (Sunyata) inherent in all things.
Sixth (6th) Ring: Manifest
Meaning: The Buddha Nature, symbolizes the inherent Buddha nature within all beings. It is also the realization of the potential Buddhahood.
Seventh (7th) Ring: Far Progressed
Meaning: It is the path of Bodhisattva, which represents the vow of the Bodhisattva, to attain Buddhahood, not only for oneself; but for the benefit of all beings.
Eighth (8th)Ring: Immovable
Meaning: The wisdom of impermanence, which symbolizes Anicca (impermanence). It is the wisdom that comes with understanding the nature of change. It is the realization that all things are transient and that attachment to permanence leads to suffering.
Ninth (9th) Ring: Perfect Intellect
Meaning: The wisdom of suffering, which symbolizes the truth of suffering (Dukha) and the understanding that all beings are subject to suffering whether it’s physical, mental, or existential. Recognizing suffering as a universal experience is key to compassion and wisdom.
Tenth (10th) Ring: Cloud of Dharma
Meaning: The Wisdom of Non-self, symbolizes the doctrine of Ananta (non-self)- the self is not a permanent, independent entity. This realization frees one from attachment and the illusion of a permanent, unchanging self.
Eleventh (11th) Ring: Universal Radiance
The perfection of Ethical Conduct; symbolizes moral and ethical conduct necessary for progressing on the path. This includes the precepts, the practice of generosity (Daan), Compassion (Karuna), and virtuous living.
Twelfth (12th) Ring: Lotus of Non-Attachment
Meaning: The perfection of Wisdom, which symbolizes Prajna (The realization of nature and reality, including the concepts of emptiness (Sunyata), dependent origination (Pratityasamutpada), and interdependence. This wisdom leads to the direct understanding of the true nature of Phenomena.
Thirteenth (13th) Ring: Vajra Holder
Meaning: The final enlightenment (Buddhahood), is the ultimate goal of the Buddhist path-Buddhahood or nirvana. This is the final realization of perfect wisdom, compassion, and freedom from suffering. The practitioner reaches the state of complete enlightenment and the transcendence of Samsara.